Hello, new to developing here. I would much rather not have to zip the file and upload it manually so I am trying to complete the steps listed in https://developer.roku.com/en-gb/docs/developer-program/getting-started/hello-world.md but keep getting the following error when attempting to run the following %
export ROKU_DEV_TARGET= % export DEVPASSWORD=1234 % cd<sdk>/examples/source/videoplayer % make install
results in
zsh: no such file or directory: sdk
could use some help here please
I don’t personally have much experience with make files but if no one else chimes in you could look at the roku-deploy npm module.
Or you could also look at VS Code Brightscript Language Extension for a much more integrated development experience. It handles everything from sideloading to breakpoints, variable inspecting, and much more.
@Abstract1, you need to change that <sdk> in the cd <sdk>/examples/source/videoplayer line to something that makes sense. I don't see that line in the makefile, so I don't know where it's coming from.
Thanks I will look into those npm docs. I downloaded the Brightscript extension already I just was not sure if it would emulate the app. I also find myself disabling it alot because its keyboard shortcuts invade mine in VS code which is why I was leaning towards this method.
I tried changing the <sdk> filepath to the directory of the project but really was not sure if that was the correct replacement there?
The BrightScript VSCode extension is a game-changer once you get used to it. 🙂