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Json support in videoplayer

I am using VideoPlayer from ROKU SDK.

How can I implement to also support JSON file on the videoplayer app?

I want use both XML from videoplayer and JSON from here

Here is the code from categoryfeed.brs

'** Video Player Example Application -- Category Feed
'** November 2009
'** Copyright (c) 2009 Roku Inc. All Rights Reserved.

' Set up the category feed connection object
' This feed provides details about top level categories
Function InitCategoryFeedConnection() As Object

conn = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")

conn.UrlPrefix = ""
conn.UrlCategoryFeed = conn.UrlPrefix + "/categories.xml"

conn.Timer = CreateObject("roTimespan")

conn.LoadCategoryFeed = load_category_feed
conn.GetCategoryNames = get_category_names

print "created feed connection for " + conn.UrlCategoryFeed
return conn

End Function

'** Create an array of names representing the children
'** for the current list of categories. This is useful
'** for filling in the filter banner with the names of
'** all the categories at the next level in the hierarchy
Function get_category_names(categories As Object) As Dynamic

categoryNames = CreateObject("roArray", 100, true)

for each category in
'print category.Title

return categoryNames

End Function

'** Given a connection object for a category feed, fetch,
'** parse and build the tree for the feed. the results are
'** stored hierarchically with parent/child relationships
'** with a single default node named Root at the root of the tree
Function load_category_feed(conn As Object) As Dynamic

http = NewHttp(conn.UrlCategoryFeed)

Dbg("url: ", http.Http.GetUrl())

rsp = http.GetToStringWithRetry()
Dbg("Took: ", m.Timer)

if not xml.Parse(rsp) then
print "Can't parse feed"
return invalid
Dbg("Parse Took: ", m.Timer)

if xml.category = invalid then
print "no categories tag"
return invalid

if islist(xml.category) = false then
print "invalid feed body"
return invalid

if xml.category[0].GetName() <> "category" then
print "no initial category tag"
return invalid

topNode = MakeEmptyCatNode()
topNode.Title = "root"
topNode.isapphome = true

print "begin category node parsing"

categories = xml.GetChildElements()
print "number of categories: " + itostr(categories.Count())
for each e in categories
o = ParseCategoryNode(e)
if o <> invalid then
print "added new child node"
print "parse returned no child node"
Dbg("Traversing: ", m.Timer)

return topNode

End Function

'MakeEmptyCatNode - use to create top node in the tree
Function MakeEmptyCatNode() As Object
return init_category_item()
End Function

'Given the xml element to an <Category> tag in the category
'feed, walk it and return the top level node to its tree
Function ParseCategoryNode(xml As Object) As dynamic
o = init_category_item()

print "ParseCategoryNode: " + xml.GetName()
'PrintXML(xml, 5)

'parse the curent node to determine the type. everything except
'special categories are considered normal, others have unique types
if xml.GetName() = "category" then
print "category: " + xml@title + " | " + xml@description
o.Type = "normal"
o.Title = xml@title
o.Description = xml@Description
o.ShortDescriptionLine1 = xml@Title
o.ShortDescriptionLine2 = xml@Description
o.SDPosterURL = xml@sd_img
o.HDPosterURL = xml@hd_img
elseif xml.GetName() = "categoryLeaf" then
o.Type = "normal"
elseif xml.GetName() = "specialCategory" then
if invalid <> xml.GetAttributes() then
for each a in xml.GetAttributes()
if a = "type" then
o.Type = xml.GetAttributes()[a]
print "specialCategory: " + xml@type + "|" + xml@title + " | " + xml@description
o.Title = xml@title
o.Description = xml@Description
o.ShortDescriptionLine1 = xml@Title
o.ShortDescriptionLine2 = xml@Description
o.SDPosterURL = xml@sd_img
o.HDPosterURL = xml@hd_img
print "ParseCategoryNode skip: " + xml.GetName()
return invalid

'only continue processing if we are dealing with a known type
'if new types are supported, make sure to add them to the list
'and parse them correctly further downstream in the parser
while true
if o.Type = "normal" exit while
if o.Type = "special_category" exit while
print "ParseCategoryNode unrecognized feed type"
return invalid
end while

'get the list of child nodes and recursed
'through everything under the current node
for each e in xml.GetBody()
name = e.GetName()
if name = "category" then
print "category: " + e@title + " [" + e@description + "]"
kid = ParseCategoryNode(e)
kid.Title = e@title
kid.Description = e@Description
kid.ShortDescriptionLine1 = xml@Description
kid.SDPosterURL = xml@sd_img
kid.HDPosterURL = xml@hd_img
elseif name = "categoryLeaf" then
print "categoryLeaf: " + e@title + " [" + e@description + "]"
kid = ParseCategoryNode(e)
kid.Title = e@title
kid.Description = e@Description
kid.Feed = e@feed
elseif name = "specialCategory" then
print "specialCategory: " + e@title + " [" + e@description + "]"
kid = ParseCategoryNode(e)
kid.Title = e@title
kid.Description = e@Description
kid.sd_img = e@sd_img
kid.hd_img = e@hd_img
kid.Feed = e@feed

return o
End Function

'Initialize a Category Item
Function init_category_item() As Object
o = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
o.Title = ""
o.Type = "normal"
o.Description = ""
o.Kids = CreateObject("roArray", 100, true)
o.Parent = invalid
o.Feed = ""
o.IsLeaf = cn_is_leaf
o.AddKid = cn_add_kid
return o
End Function

'** Helper function for each node, returns true/false
'** indicating that this node is a leaf node in the tree
Function cn_is_leaf() As Boolean
if m.Kids.Count() > 0 return true
if m.Feed <> "" return false
return true
End Function

'** Helper function for each node in the tree to add a
'** new node as a child to this node.
Sub cn_add_kid(kid As Object)
if kid = invalid then
print "skipping: attempt to add invalid kid failed"

kid.Parent = m
End Sub
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Re: Json support in videoplayer

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Re: Json support in videoplayer

I suppose you want to retrieve the url for the video from the JSON :
you need to create a roUrlTransfer object, use the setUrl method of roUrlTransfer passing in the argument as the url to the JSON, use the getToString() method of the created roUrlTransfer object to receive the JSON string from the url , and then use the utility method ParseJson to get the Associative array equivalent to the json

url_transfer_object.setUrl("your json service providing url")
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