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Button Background on roSpringboardScreen

Is there a way to customize the background that highlights the selected button on the roSpringboardScreen? From both ButtonHighlightColor and ButtonNormalColor seem like they should alter the colors of the buttons, but I have not been successful in getting them to do so.
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Roku Guru

Re: Button Background on roSpringboardScreen

I was looking for that myself the other day. I assume you mean the long black highlight behind the selected button. I don't believe you can change the button background on any screen. It would be a nice feature to have, but I don't believe the Roku currently supports it. I think ButtonHighlightColor and ButtonNormalColor change the color of the button text (but not on the roSpringboardScreen, because that's a 'menu' button, not a regular button). For the roSpringboardScreen, you'd use the ButtonMenuHighlightText and ButtonMenuNormalText.
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Channel Surfer

Re: Button Background on roSpringboardScreen

"belltown" wrote:
I don't believe you can change the button background on any screen.

You can on the roListScreen, but no other that I'm aware of.
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