Roku design is normally so brilliant I am dismayed that Roku took several steps back in good design when they replaced the Roku Voice Remote Pro 1st edition with the poorly thought out 2nd edition.
The first edition had two reprogrammable buttons : #1 & #2 that you could repurpose for any use ... including Live TV Guide ... which now is in the 2nd edition model permanently & unchangeably assigned to what was previously the #1 button. I would bet not many people are particularly interested in Live TV in compared to assigning the #1 button (along with the other #2 reprogrammable button to one of the many (500?) streaming etc apps Roku is uniquely famous for making available via the Roku system.
The first edition also had a simple headphone jack which was brilliant in its simplicity but which was removed from the 2nd edition design. What is stupid about that removal is if you want to use headphones watching at night so as to not disturb others, with the 2nd edition you are forced to use your cell phone Roku app and blue tooth earbuds.
That means:
1) the beautifully otherwise simple & very utilitarian Roku Voice Remote Pro then has to be set aside in exchange for the MUCH less convenient and problematic to use Roku cellphone app.:
IMO, whoever was responsible for the 2nd edition Roku Voice Remote Pro design IMO obviously don't get in the least the long famous Roku design ethic of "great doing much more with much less and doing so ever so simply and transparently."
Roku devices are programmable digital tools and normally do and when modified IMO should continue to provide more simple user utility ... NOT less.
As is unfortunately the case with the Roku Voice Remote Pro 2nd edition.
It incorrectly assumes that all things cellular are an improvement and in doing so takes away significant utility and ease of use that the 1st edition design had.
2nd edition adds nothing useful really other than a bigger battery and backlit buttons ...
Please bring back Voice Remote 1st edition for sale.
I concur. My parents’ fire stick remote is going out so instead of getting a new one I thought about just getting them a Roku device, since the fire stick itself is old and I like Roku better anyway, with a great pro remote, but I was sad to see they removed 1&2 and only sell the new one. Like you said, who wants direct live TV anymore, and if you want live TV, like I do, you have Hulu Live, YouTube TV, etc anyway.