Hey everyone,
To assist with the investigation regarding your MAX channel, please provide us with the following information:
We are working closely with our team to resolve this issue.
Roku Community Team
Just happened:
Tracker ID: 26-044-875
Model: 4802X - Roku Ultra
Serial Number: X010008HVN26
Device ID: S0DA22AHVN26
Software Version: 14.1.4 - Build 7709-C2
GC Version: 12.11.13
MAX App Version: 58.6 - build 0
Just happened
Model: 5106X - Roku Tv
Serial Number : 2N00GT432865(4F654G432865)
Software Version: 14.1.4 build 7709-08
device id : 4F654G432865
Max version 58.6 build 0
Thanks for letting us know about the Max issues on your Roku!
I've shared your information with the right team, and they’re already on it! We’ll keep you updated as soon as we hear more.
We really appreciate your patience—thank you!
The Roku Community Team
I am having the same issue with Max only. My issue ID is 81-051-580.
Only happens on my Roku devices.
Below is the information from 3 of my 16 devices. Every time I switch devices, I need to log back into Max, which is very frustrating. There are several different type of devices, but they all have the same issue so I really doubt this is going to help that much. I believe I have spent more time on this issue than Roku itself has, which is very sad.
Roku #1:
Tracker ID: 26-050-548
Model: 5140X - Roku TV
Serial Number: 2N002G766526
Device ID: 8X4712766526
Software Version: 12.11.13 - Build 7709-08
GC Version: 12.11.13
MAX App Version: 58.6 - build 0
Roku #2:
Tracker ID: 72-051-562
Model: 3810X - Roku Streaming Stick+
Serial Number: YH00FX782872
Device ID: 21398F782872
Software Version: 14.1.4 - Build 7709-50
GC Version: 12.9.26
MAX App Version: 58.6 - build 0
Roku #3:
Tracker ID: 08-051-756
Model: 3810RW - Roku Streaming Stick+
Serial Number: YH002R875408
Device ID: C23912875408
Software Version: 14.1.4 - Build 7709-50
GC Version: 12.11.13
MAX App Version: 58.6 - build 0
Hey everyone,
We're aware that some of you are having trouble with the Max channel.
Status Update 2/6: We're working with the Max team to resolve this issue.
We'll keep you updated on any progress.
The Roku Community Team
I’m having that problem. When I access the MAX app on my Roku TVs there’s a 50% I’ll get the sign in screen. Hope this gets fixed.
It's Roku fix the issue. Roku should have to pay my sub until you fix
Roku should pay my sub for max until they fix