I did the disconnect, hard restart and related cussing. No joy.
I am having trouble accessing my saved antenba channels. I AM ANGRY and I need live agent
I agree. It’s one issue after another with Roku. My family has 5 Roku TV’s in our house. Not for much longer. The city dump is waiting.
I won’t be a Roku user for much longer thankfully.
This is currently happening to my tv. I was watching local news walked out of the room. When I came back in there was a whole new program on tv. I tried putting it back onto the channel I was previously watching. To my surprise all of the antenna channels are gone. Tried unplugging the tv, rescanned, said there were 40+ channels but when I go to watch them they’re not there. I’m very angry
I am pissed! I cannot access my antenna channels. I need live help to walk me through
Antenna tv worked early this morning. Now this afternoon, no antenna tv channels shown.
Checked the antenna cable. Still no channels.
Then hooked up a different antenna.
Did a rescan and it shows 100 antenna channels as before but when I go to watch the channels they don’t show up. Only ROKU channels which are streaming.
I just purchased the Roku Plus TV and set up everything 2 days ago and it was perfect, same settings as the TCL rokutv it replaced. I can no longer see OTA channels on the same guide as streaming. All other roku tvs in the house and roku boxes show the correct guide. How do I fix this? I have reset and unplugged device and reentered my zip code as others have suggested but nothing is working. HELP!
I also couldn't find my local over the air antenna channels beginning about noon EST. When I rescan, it shows scan for antenna but that the scan only includes streaming free live channels, which is all that shows up in my guide.
TCL MODEL 65R613, Serial YSOO2S155725
DEVICE FW2972155725
My Roku tv (overnight) removed all the antenna channels (eg those with numbers: 2.1, etc.).
Live TV would only showed streaming channels (scrolled all the way thru to the end — none were there).
The only way I found to show them again was to go to:
-TV inputs
-Live TV
-Manage Channels
click the check box ‘hide streaming channels’
then go back to home page, go to live tv and they were all back.
To access streaming channels, I have them set up as apps. Mine’s always been set up this way for my convenience. Roku’s latest auto-update caused this issue. ☹️
@canoe2 Appreciate you for the info.
Could you please provide your current location along with the Tracker ID (when you see this issue occur, press the Home button 5 times, followed by the Back button 5 times, and provide us with this ID)
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