With no surprise, the newest model of Roku Ultra, Model 4850R, has A.I., or artificial intelligence/machine learning, which many knows will always be a risk for sentient duality technology invasive actions of the A.I., and privacy and data issues. We already see that happening. I like the faster processor and other updated features, but am disappointed to see the implementation of A.I. I want to disable all A.I./machine learning.
Please make sure there is a guaranteed option to do just that, and NOTHING is running in the background with A.I. if I do so.
It still has 10/100 Base-T Ethernet.
It still has 10/100 Base-T Ethernet.
That was not my question.
Where are you seeing the 4650 has any sort of AI? I just looked at the Roku product page, and the word/phrase says nothing about it. If you are referring to the Voice Remote, Roku has had Voice remotes for years. It's not any sort of AI, other than being able to recognize a spoken word or letter and use it for searching or sometimes entering passwords. That's not "AI".
I have a 4850, and I've seen no menu settings that indicate anything to do with AI. I just did a web search for AI with a Roku Ultra and found nothing.
I did see a Press Release re: the Smart Picture feature of Roku-branded TVs incorporating AI back in January 2024 but didn't see any mention that it had extended to players. (at least yet).
Yet another good reason about sticking with the HDMI players rather than the RokuTVs. If you ever don't agree with the terms/features/experience, much easier to simply disconnect the device and throw it out.
The newest model is the 4850R, which I do not have at this point. I have updated to EVERY model when released without any issues. I have the most previous model, right before the 4850R. Every release is always faster and better, and this newest model will be 30 percent faster, but I am on the fence about possible AI integration.
There was a press release, and other YouTubers/social media channels, that stated the newest model 4850R was scheduled to have artificial intelligence embedded in the streaming player. If anyone can prove 100 percent this is not true and get Roku to document and state that ANY artificial intelligence will NOT be used in the newest model 4850R, I will further look into this upgrade as a possibility.
I know a majority of companies seem to be leaning towards using AI in their products, and I want to bring caution to the wind.
I will repeat part of my other post reply: "There was a press release, and other YouTubers/social media channels, that stated the newest model 4850R was scheduled to have artificial intelligence embedded in the streaming player. If anyone can prove 100 percent this is not true and get Roku to document and state that ANY artificial intelligence will NOT be used in the newest model 4850R, I will further look into this upgrade as a possibility."
Do you have a link to the press release? I'm not interested in any "Youtuber". 🙄
Not sure why people are afraid of the words "artificial intelligence". Computer programming back to the original of computer programming is essentially "AI." It differs in the type of programming and sophistication that the particular programming has today, but AI has been with us for decades and is what has made electronics and other devices work for decades.
Yeah, even the voice remotes can be considered a lower level of AI. Any sort of voice recognition.