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Roku Guru

OS 10.5.0(reboot)/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 21 Feb 2022

OS 10.0.0 b 4177-46 20 April 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4185-46 27 April 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4195-46 6 May 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4198-46 20 May 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4205-46 9 June 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4208-46 16 June 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4209-46 23 June 2021

OS 10.5.0 b 4181-46 8 Oct 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4209-46 28 November 2021

OS 10.5.0 b 4208-46 30 November 2021

RMP 5.5 b 9 5 April 2021

RMP 5.5 b 12 8 Sept 2021

RMP 5.5 b 13 17 Feb 2022


the Roku Media Player playing audio files in continuous mode with the Roku Screensaver turned on still stops playing after two audio files have been played. 

in a couple of weeks it will be a year that the RMP and the Roku Screensaver have not been able to be used together.

the issue of the resume play marker also has not been fixed.  files that have been played through to the end still have old resume play markers so they do not start at the beginning.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: OS 10.0.0/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 27 April 2021

a new OS update b 4185-46

the screen saver still causes the RMP audio player to stop after 2 files are played.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: OS 10.0.0/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 27 April 2021

a new OS update b 4195-46, 6 May 2021

the screen saver still causes the RMP audio player to stop after 2 files are played.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: OS 10.0.0/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 6 May 2021

it has been a year now since Roku has rendered the Roku Media Player audio player/screensaver combination useless. 

what good is an audio player set to continuous play it it stops after playing two files?

early on we were given assurances that Roku was listening and that they were working on the issue.  as time wore on Roku's responses became fewer until they seemed to be basically ignored.

there was a time when Roku believed that the issue was resolved because the RMP would work with the screensaver.  they did not seem to understand that there was a specific problem with the audio player stopping in continuous play.  (I guess they were not listening very hard)

I would say the highlight of the year was when word got out that the RMP team was blaming the OS team for the problem.  it is usually Roku pointing the pointing the finger at third party vendors for things that don't work.  from the results I guess that means that no one is working on it.

there is only one positive thing thing that I have to say about this odyssey.  I am glad that it happened when it did.  I was on the verge of getting additional Ultras to use in other rooms.  needless to say that has not happened and I no longer have an unqualified recommendation for anyone else getting a Roku.

Happy Anniversary Team Roku

Roku Guru

Re: OS 10.0.0/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 19 June 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4208-46 16 June 2021

RMP 5.5 b 9 5 April 2021

over 13 months now since the screensaver has not worked with the RMP.

the RMP audio player still stops after two files are played when the screensaver is on.

also for the record, the resume play bug is still there.  sometimes it seems like the resume play marker is cleared only to find it back again when coming back to check to see if the RMP is working.

0 Kudos
Retired Moderator

Re: OS 10.0.0/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 19 June 2021


Thanks for the posts.

I have passed along the information to the appropriate Roku team to investigate the issue further. Once I have more information, I'll be sure to update this thread.


Danny R.
Roku Community Moderator
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: OS 10.0.0/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 8 Sept 2021


another update, another disappointment.

it has been 16 months.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: OS 10.5.0/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 8 Oct 2021

OS 10.5.0 b 4181-46 8 Oct 2021

RMP 5.5 b 12 8 Sept 2021

it's a miracle the OS issue that stopped the Roku screensaver from working with the Roku Media Player audio player has been resolved.  continuous mode in the audio player with the screensaver now works.

the stuttering when the next track is beginning seems to have been resolved as well.

however all is not well.  at times some tracks do not start at the beginning.  I believe that is caused by the persistent resume marker.  other aberrant behavior, sometimes when you trigger out of screensaver mode to check where you are in the track or skip to the next track it will jump all the way back to the first track.  other times it will lock up and you have to use the home key to get out of it.

bottom line the RMP audio player is better than it was with this OS update but still has issues that need to be worked on.


when the audio player finishes the last track in the folder there is a long delay before it plays the first track and it does not start from the beginning of the track.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: OS 10.0.0(reboot)/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 28 Nov 2021

OS 10.0.0 b 4209-46 28 November 2021

RMP 5.5 b 12 8 Sept 2021

so with the OS 10.0.0 Reboot, the RMP audio player is back to square one.  unusable with the native Roku screensaver turned on with continuous play.  It stops after two tracks are played.

to recap, here are the four issues with RMP audio player that I am aware of:

1. with the native screensaver turned on and in continuous play RMP audio player stops after two tracks are played.  apparently this is an OS issue and not a RMP issue.

2. persistent resume marker.  I believe the feature was intended for people that had long audio files and wanted to pick up where they last exited.  unfortunately the markers don't seem to get erased the next time the file is played to the end.  during the time that OS 10.5.0 was out this only seemed to effect the first track played.  the following tracks seemed to all start from the beginning.  if fixing this is too much of a coding issue, how about just adding a toggle in the setup to turn the feature on or off?

3. triggering out of the screensaver bounces you back to the second track played.  this issue wasn't apparent until OS 10.5.0 fixed item one.

4. the progress bar is somewhat useless.  it needs to have the actual time location and length of track information included.  it doesn't make sense that you have to interrupt your playing and pause to get it. also item three makes getting this information impossible.


30 November 2021

OS 10.5.0 b 4208-46 30 November 2021

RMP 5.5 b 12 8 Sept 2021

the rollback to 10.0.0 only lasted two days.  the update to 10.5.0 b 4208-46 fixed item 1 again.

the other three still remain to be addressed.

0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: OS 10.5.0(reboot)/RMP 5.5/Screensaver Issue 21 Feb 2022

OS 10.5.0 b 4208-46 30 November 2021

RMP 5.5 b 13 17 Feb 2022

to recap, here are the three issues with RMP audio player that I am aware of:

1. with the native screensaver turned on and in continuous play RMP audio player stops after two tracks are played.  apparently this is an OS issue and not a RMP issue.

2. persistent resume marker.  I believe the feature was intended for people that had long audio files and wanted to pick up where they last exited.  unfortunately the markers don't seem to get erased the next time the file is played to the end.  during the time that OS 10.5.0 was out this only seemed to effect the first track played.  the following tracks seemed to all start from the beginning.  if fixing this is too much of a coding issue, how about just adding a toggle in the setup to turn the feature on or off?

3. triggering out of the screensaver bounces you back to the second track played.  this issue wasn't apparent until OS 10.5.0 fixed item one.

4. the progress bar is somewhat useless.  it needs to have the actual time location and length of track information included.  it doesn't make sense that you have to interrupt your playing and pause to get it. also item three makes getting this information impossible.

0 Kudos
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