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roku getting in to my tv and making changes without asking

I recently had a popup on my screen telling me that roku added some over the air channels.

They didn't tell me they also changed some settings on my tv.

I leave my tv on all the time and on a particular channel.

Then, out of the blue, my tv started turning itself off, and just the clock with the time running across my screen.

After much searching found roku had turned on the timer that shuts me down after a certain

period of time. I know I didn't do that, so it had to be roku when they added those channels.

Stay the **bleep** out of my tv and my settings.

Is this a new policy created by a dei hire who believes the trans and global warming lies

and thinks they know when your tv should be turned off?

STOP. Stay away from my tv.

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Channel Surfer

Re: roku getting in to my tv and making changes without asking

RIGHT ON! as they used to say in the ‘60s. My TV won’t communicate with any remote after I reset to defaults. Maybe they were also sneaking in some fixes on the sly.

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Community Moderator

Re: roku getting in to my tv and making changes without asking

Thanks for being part of the Roku Community, @iisdbomb  and @THEONLYBOB!

We understand how annoying it can be to have the Settings kept on changing. We're here to take a closer look at this. 

 Did this issue happen after a recent update? If so, could you please provide the latest software version of your Roku?

Please get back to us soon. 


Roku Community Moderator
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