I want to stop roku from adding channels and changing my shows on pause for a longer period of time. I take my Roku off pause and a new channel is being installed like paramount or disney. I hate this. The worst part is I put a show on pause and then leave the room for a while. I come back, and Roku movie starts, usually a rom com. I hate rom coms. Then I have to go back and bring up the channel and show I was watching before the unwanted rom com. Sometimes I have to start the show over and use the fast forward button. All rokus in the house are dsoing this. This is so irritating than I am thinking about another platform but I have around a dozen rokus.
@onearmdon, if the screensaver has activated and you're using one of the Roku screensavers with little advertisements that float by do not press Play/Pause while the screen saver is active. Press any other button to dismiss the screensaver and then you can resume your video.
@onearmdon It sounds like someone has gained access to your Roku account. Login to your Roku account on a computer and check the devices listed. Do you see some you do not recognize? Keep in mind that if a channel like Paramount Plus is added to one Roku device it will be added to all Rokus on the same account. Is it possible someone in your household is messing with you?
@onearmdon, if the screensaver has activated and you're using one of the Roku screensavers with little advertisements that float by do not press Play/Pause while the screen saver is active. Press any other button to dismiss the screensaver and then you can resume your video.
Or you could be accidentally hitting the buttons that have those services preprogrammed for the remote.