why does Roku not show the channel number when there is a new channel to watch
When I first started with Roku, a little over a year ago, they did show channel numbers for all the "free-stream" channels.
Then, a few months later, they took them away, but they were still showing the channel numbers in their channel commercials ....??
Users called them out about that and also complained, so they put the numbers back ....for a while.
Then they took them away again.
So now the only channels with numbers, on the guide, are your OTA local channels.
The free-stream channels aren't even in alphabetical order, so it does make it a bit hard to find the channel or the new channel you're looking for.
All I can say is that when you do finally find the channel, add it to your "favorites".
@david70774 and @bryank59
In order to see the channel numbers with the Roku Channel Live TV Guide, you have to enable a "view by channel number" option. (this will enable streaming channel numbers).
Go into the Live TV Guide and arrow over to the left (where the channel logo is) and press the (*) asterisk button on your Roku remote. Select 'Sort Channel List" from the options overlay. Then select "By Channel Number".
I try to keep an uplisted list of available linear liveTV channels and their channel numbers in this thread. https://community.roku.com/t5/Channels-viewing/Roku-Channel-Live-TV-Guide-List-Reference-List/td-p/7...
Using any web browser or document file viewer, you can Search this list for your channel to learn its channel number. (Roku does occasionally change some of the number locations). Alternatively, once you have the Channel Numbers enabled, you can use the Search from within your device for the channel. (when you select it, you will now see the assigned channel number in your guide).
As mentioned by @bryank59 , creating a Favorites list in the guide is a good way to go for fast navigating to your most watched content/channels. Using your Voice Remote, you can also jump to channel numbers within the guide as well. (but only for the streaming channels).