Thanks Jharra. NO other apps! No other channels! Just live (not even prerecorded) 4K! thru the Roku Ultra. The next live 4K event is Saturday at 4:00 pm ET NCAA Basketball Florida at Auburn on ESPN if you want to have a tech check it. THEN Sunday is the Super Bowl! Live 4K on Fox.
I have this issue with my Roku TV with live 4K, also. It's true on Directv Stream, and I checked the Super Bowl stream on Tubi and it's the same -- washed out unsaturated video, absolutely unwatchable and clearly not 4K. Watching in the regular non-4K stream is just fine. This is a constant in trying to watch live 4K and was true last year's Super Bowl too, so it's an ongoing bug across all Roku devices. Thanks.
This flaw still exists: The NCAA basketball game I mentioned on ESPN Saturday AND the Super Bowl on Fox. So far you have been:
1. informed WITH photos
2. had your questions for more data and details answered
I will mention again: (I did come across a temporary work-around: Once you try to view a live 4K event that is subpar, go to: Roku Home>settings>system>software update>check now>OK then return to Roku home, select your app, for me You Tube TV and VOILA it's like it is supposed to be. The flaw in that is if you THEN tune to another program and GO BACK to the live 4k, it's washed out - not vivid!!!!!!!!)
3. At this point one would assume that there is no solution OR no one has enough expertise to fix.
I have the same issue on a Roku stick for what it's worth. Can confirm it's related to any 4k content. Unfortunately that settings workaround doesn't work for me even as a temp fix. This has been most annoying with YouTube content.
Can you load the You Tube TV app through your TV in effect bypassing the Roku? So sad we have to resort to workarounds with an otherwise excellent product. But it will not last forever:
1. Roku may not understand that anyone that buys a new TV, will buy a 4K!
2. More and more programming will be in 4K!!!!!
3. Heartwarming that those that do NOT accommodate 4K, will be put out of business by their own ignorance/lack of expertise!
4. So those that work at Roku have 2 choices:
a. fix this so we can watch live 4K WITHOUT hassle or workarounds or
b. start looking for another job as we will buy OTHER streaming devices that will.
Just found the solution for me. Go to the settings and disable Dolby Vision just 4k HDR
Thanks YerBoyDers but that didn't work for me - not vivid. So switched it back, went to home>settings>system>software upgrade>ok, then back to home, for me You Tube TV. That's fine UNTIL you change channels THEN go back to 4K it's washed out all over again.
4K Super Bowl:
SD Super Bowl:
This just worked for me too. Thanks!