Please encourage your advertisers to do something about the screaming commercials, such as for feegtv and fear factor. My family cannot watch your programs because of the volume and frequency of this type of commercial. The noise triggers auditory and anxiety issues. We are forced to watch only the premium channels which cost extra. Why punish those who can't or choose not to purchase the premium channels?
When you are watching something on an app on Roku, press * (Star) and go to the audio settings and make sure volume leveling is turned on. Hopefully that helps.
FgTeev updated their commercial and made it even more offensive!!!
They as I have noted before show an adult with young children sitting on his lap playing kiddy video games.
Now, the new commercial shows him playing a video game w/kids and the game consist of the user playing an animal character with remote (adult) users playing as animal characters bouncing around/jumping up&down trying to engage kids to talk and play with them. ????
What more does anyone need to see before calling child services??? I suggest everyone do just that in whatever city they are in.
Those are his kids. There's nothing creepy about that. YOU'RE the one sexualizing this. What does that say about you?
Enough already with that one loud ad almost every ad break!
I have reported them to the FCC and will continue to do so. I ask that anyone else that is sick of it to please go to the FCC website and search for loud ads. It will lead you to the page that will allow you to file the complaint. If Roku wont follow the rules than they need to be made to and registering our complaints is how we hold them accountable.
I am not OK with every ad that pops up between shows in the app support gambling with online gaming. It's inappropriate for everyone. Not only that there have been some ads for online apps that are inappropriate to meet with girls and women across the world and they don't leave anything to your imagination. They're pretty blatant. Not to mention the ads that are completely ridiculous and people are yelling and screaming. Also there was a time where there were multiple advertisements for horror movies. Can you just run advertisements for toilet paper and toothpaste? Every time an ad comes on I click mute set my timer and walk out of the room. Thankfully, I don't have young grandchildren yet. When we do we won't be watching the app. It's really sad because all of our other experiences with Roku have been positive. I have tried to find a place where I can pay not to watch the ads---it's that bad.
You can go into settings/privacy/advertising and sensitive ad content and limit some of those types of ads by selecting content to restrict. It won't get rid of everything, but should help a bit.
Those commercials, as annoying as they are to you, are doing exactly what the marketers/advertisers want you to do, which is to talk about them. Love them or hate them, the marketers/advertisers want you to talk about them, which gives whatever product they are advertising attention.
@JWS9518 I don't think so, not with these... I have no recall whatsoever, what show or network or product these ads are pushing, as I click away as soon as the shouting begins. All it has done, for the majority (at least of those posting) of viewers is anger them, make them think about never buying a Roku device or TV ever again, and believe Roku's sales & customer service really don't care what their customers want....
Considering there are over 90 million Roku devices out there, they are counting on the other users to notice. Even if there are some users complaining, there will be some that will check out the ad based on curiosity, which does exactly what they want the ad to do. There have always been outrageous, cringe-inducing, and/or annoying commercials (anyone remember the Whazzzuppp beer commercial) and that will never change as for a certain audience they get attention. For some people that will be annoying, others ignore it, and others will find it amusing and pay attention to what they are selling. It is those individuals that the advertisers hope to reach. I personally ignore most commercials, annoying or not.