I've got internet from Xfinity and through it I receive Premium Peacock for free. I view the platform on my Roku. Today I suddenly can't play any premium shows. It says I must subscribe.
I checked my bill, and from all I can see, I should still be receiving Peacock Premium. I checked updates of the app. Doesn't need to be updated. I exited the app and logged back in. It still wants me to subscribe. I tried using my Xfinity name and password. No dice. I can't remember if I tried anything else.
I hate the idea of entering Xfinity **bleep** probably just to wait in line and then have them tell me it's someone else's fault. Any idea what on earth is going on? There have got to be other people who are having the same problem. I was happy to find this community! I hope someone has an idea. Thanks!
That is a nice article
@WoWo295 Try removing the app, restarting your Roku device and reinstalling the app