Hi, The last few days, when I connect to NASA tv, I only see Search and About icons. The normal sub-programs like NASA LIVE, This Week At NASA, etc. are gone or hidden. Any ideas?
The NASA channel and the other channels that I mentioned are all working again. Since they all returned at the same time I assume something changed at Roku's end, rather than every individual developer making the same change at the same time.
I don't have that channel installed any longer, but in the past NASA had all sorts of issues with their channel. I would guess that they are having issues again. It might be at their server end, and it might be something within the channel itself. Either way, NASA is the one that has to resolve the problem, so contacting them would be the first thing to do. I couldn't find a support page specific to NASA TV, so you'd have to use their normal contact page:
I will add that it does work on Fire TV, but the layout has always been very different as it's based on the Android app.
Hi. The NASA tv channel issue has been fixed. We are back to normal operations.
Not so fast! I am sorry to report that NASA TV has gone back to showing just the "Search" and "About" icons when starting on Roku. Evidently, the problem was fixed for jst a few hours. Sad situation.
This is not a problem Roku can fix. It's how the NASA Roku app connects to the NASA servers or some other bug in the NASA app that is written by NASA.
i checked through my saved channels and found three other channels that fail in exactly the same way as the NASA channel. So I wonder if this is a case where some developers have not updated from a protocol or procedure which is no longer supported by Roku.
The other three channels are:
Static TV
Cartoon Vault
A Space Channel (the channel icon says The Space Channel, but the onscreen name is A Space Channel)
Thank you. That should help someone debug this. I sent an email to cheryl.m.warner@nasa.gov and asked her to pass on our concerns to someone who would be able to look into this issue. Cheryl has helped in the past on another issue with NASA tv and Roku..
jmaeshobb: You posted your reply to the wrong thread. This thread is about a problem with NASA tv and has nothing to do with channels that do not show commercials....
The NASA channel and the other channels that I mentioned are all working again. Since they all returned at the same time I assume something changed at Roku's end, rather than every individual developer making the same change at the same time.