I seem to recall there used to be an options to use a maximum X number of Mbps in the network settings, but those options don't appear to exist anymore presumably because they were removed in an update. I need a way to globally limit these speed so not every channel automatically pulls at 1080p or greater streaming quality because not every individual channel a persistent option not to. We have multiple devices in a home of four people where we have a data capped internet so you can probably see the issue I have with this.
They've been gone for many years and stopped being useful some time ago as streaming methods changed. The only "global" setting that may have an effect is to manually set the "Display type" to 720p. Some services have a setting per account to limit the bandwidth, but as far as I know the setting is always on their website.
They've been gone for many years and stopped being useful some time ago as streaming methods changed. The only "global" setting that may have an effect is to manually set the "Display type" to 720p. Some services have a setting per account to limit the bandwidth, but as far as I know the setting is always on their website.