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My exercise equipment tv moniter has coax only

I finally cut the cord with cable and just have xfinity internet.  Im all good with my tv but my exercise equipment monitor just has a coax cable outlet.  I used to have a small cable tv box hooked up to it. So how do I stream on this monitor? Nothing else on machine, just the coax only. Thanks, Im a novice.   

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Re: My exercise equipment tv moniter has coax only


If you absolutely need to use this monitor, you need a HDMI to RF converter/modulator box.

The reviews of these from AoeSpy indicates works with Roku devices.  




You can search for different HDMI to modulators as well, the above seems most reasonably priced and the reviews indicates users found it compatible with Roku for older TVs.  It is recommended to use these with a power supply at the wall, so make sure to either have, or purchase a 5v power adapter, (5v, 1-2amp cell phone charging adapter should work), if the devices don't come with a power adapter.

Not sure if your monitor has speakers.  If not, the first link seems better so you can add speakers to the setup if needed via RCA.  If needed, you can also get RCA to 3.5mm adapter for computer-type speakers. (ie. https://www.amazon.com/VCE-2-Pack-Plated-Female-Adapter/dp/B06XCR898P/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3N99EAO8FH09R&...)

Basically, you will need to do a little retrofitting to get this monitor to work with streaming devices, but should work in the end.  Of course, budget allowing, you could just add a TV to the room, or a smaller portable TV with an HDMI port that you can just mount to your exercise machine. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=portable+TV+hdmi&crid=1W90GW8LIBYWG&sprefix=portable+tv+hdmi%2Caps%2C712&...


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