Roku Ultra model 4802x connected to Samsung TV with ethernet.
Started seeing this issue a couple days ago, where when I power on TV using Roku remote, get screen with error 013, and it says 'Unable to find Ethernet'.
But when I check connection on Roku settings, it says 'Connection check was successful', and the Roku Network settings shows;
Status Connected
Connection type Wired
And when I hit the Home button on the remote, it shows all my channel apps, and I can view the channels without any problems.
So the connection must be good, just don't know why I see this Error 013 screen the first time I power on the TV during the day. (If I power off/on the TV again using the Roku remote, I don't see the Error 013 screen. It seems to just happen once during the day.
Does anyone know what could be causing this error msg?
I don't know what might be causing it, but I would try disabling "power saving" under Settings->System->Power to see if it helps. It doesn't save much power and often causes more problems than it's worth.
This problem is either intermittent or cleared up, because haven't seen the problem in last 2 days.
I checked the power savings in Roku settings but the box is unchecked, so wasn't using power savings.
After checking the power savings setting, haven't come across this problem.