hello roku users i have had my roku device for 7 years love it the problem is new roku channel the commercial sound is triple the volume come on roku you must be aware of this please fix it love the roku but i stopped using the roku channel so what do you gain by allowing this thankyou, michael
You didn't mention your Roku model # or firmware version: Settings/System/About
You could try using Roku's sound leveling feature (if available):
During playback, press Options (*)/Volume Mode/Leveling
If your device is too old/doesnt support Volume Modes, consider upgrading:
It doesn't matter what shows on my paid Roku (2020 year thru 2023) as soon as a commercial comes on the volume is louder then the show. I have to find my remote to mute the TV before it scares my pets or anyone sleeping. I know commercials pay you but it's horrible. There use to be a law controlling this situation. Guess I'll Google that law. So far Google's ads are quite.
i totally agree with Michael. Back in the old days before streaming, the FCC allowed commercials to be something like 10% louder than the show. No surprise that this is now happening when streaming on every channel I watch that has commercials.
I live in an apartment and watch TV late at night. I try to be respectful of my neighbors. seems like all streaming has to do these days is make things more and more irritating.
do you want us to do something manually that you could control if you so chose?
makes absolutely absolutely no sense to me.
Greetings, Community Users!
Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
No worries. We hear you and are more than willing to review this concern further.
May we please know what specific commercial you are referring to? Does this happen to all of the commercial prompts? In addition, have you tried to adjust your volume leveling by visiting our Support article on How to use volume modes on your Roku® streaming device? If not, we highly recommend it.
Furthermore, if you could provide us with a video of it for reference, that would be a big help. We'll be looking forward to your response!
Best regards,