Yes, it only worked in fixing my problem after the first "Update" ran. Now, the decreased viewing area problem still continues. I still have to do a restart every time I want to watch a streaming channel.
Thanks for the posts.
Can you please provide us the following information:
-Roku device model, serial number, device ID, and software OS/version (these can all be found in Settings > System > About)
-does this issue occur on a specific channel? if so, what channel and what version/build is the channel (this can be found be selecting the channel on the Home screen and pressing the * button)
-tracker ID when this issue occurs (when you see this issue occur, press the Home button 5 times, followed by the Back button 5 times)
-steps to reproduce the issue you are seeing
With more detailed information, we will be able to assist you further.
Fix did not work. My screen is stillshrunk
Hi @cleat_jones,
Welcome to the Roku Community!
We'd like to take a closer look to see if there's anything else we can suggest to help.
A few questions here to better understand what you're experiencing:
1. What Roku model device are you using?
2. Does the issue only occur on a specific channel or all channels on your Roku device?
3. How long has the issue been occurring?
4. What specific troubleshooting steps have you taken so far to try to resolve the issue?
5. What are you seeing on screen? Can you provide a screenshot of the issue you are experiencing?
With more information, we will be able to assist you further.
Once we have this information, we will be able to assist you further.
Best regards,