After several updates audio remains out of sync with spdif out. Found a hdmi spdif splitter and connected my amp to the spdif of the hdmi splitter. Audio sync is now correc t. My conclusion dts audio sync over hdmi is ok. Dts audio sync over spdif on the roku is not.
I hope your engineers can solve this problem. A bit strange to connect a cheap hdmi spdif splitter on such a nice roku. I dont like the extra cables and power adapters to solve this bug.
EDIT: Adding a hdmi spdif splitter introduces other issues (Must be the cheap splitter. Another reason why I want to loose it and run Roku only):
- Every now and then the Roku displays the HDCP error which can be solved by power cycle everything...
- sometimes the split DTS stream is corrupt or something else resulting in a flashing display on the amp and no audio.
I experience the same issue with a roku 4640. DTS audio plays before they speak while using the optical cable.