I have an account. My previous device was constantly losing it's connection to the internet. Every other Roku stick in the house works fine, this ONE stick was acting up. We had an extra one that we had purchased for some reason so I removed the offending stick and replaced it with this other one which was unused/brand new. I got somewhat set up, but I'm being treated like a NEW subscriber and cannot seem to simply activate the existing account with the new device. Additionally, not all the channels that I had have populated the home screen. Why is this, what should be a very simple task, so **bleep** complicated? While going through this, I have been asked for the LINK CODE. I cannot find a LINK CODE ANYWHERE to submit. If I simply hit 'back' to attempt to locate it, or if I try to find it on my TV, I get nothing. What do I do about all this insanity? Why can't things be nice and simple like Cable was?
You can have up to 20 devices on one Roku account. How old is this other Roku stick? All of them setup the same. Are you using the same Roku account for each?
No more than a year and 1/2 old. We used to be with our Electric Light department but they sold the business to Comcast and it's been screwed up ever since. There are only 4 Roku sticks being used at any one time in the house. The other three have no issues, but since the switch over, the living room one has been a problem. Giving up, I switched to the unused stick and find that setting it up is a ridiculous hassle. I could not get all the channels I used to have including YouTube TV, YouTube and Spotify. Then, figuring I could just start over, I tried and couldn't and all the while I wasn't given the opportunity to simply sign into my account, but treated like a new customer, even though the system asked if I had an account already, which I replied, YES.
I anxiously await some solution, however I have a prior commitment to attend to at this time.
Which model Roku are having the issue with? So you changed internet providers? So you can’t sign into your Roku account or YouTube TV? Did you try doing a factory reset on your Roku? Can you explain in more detail what you are exactly talking about. Are you subscribed through Roku for these channels or do you pay for them separately?
Hi jimbo198401,
We understand how your issue can be frustrating. Device sign-ins can be tricky and we would love to help you get to the bottom of this if you are still needing assistance.
Please reply to this post or message us directly and we can go from there.
We look forward to hearing from you.