I am wanting to cut cable but worried I am not tech savvy enough.
Every Roku comes with virtually the same remote, and works exactly the same. I would avoid a Roku TV, as that adds a layer of complexity when trying to watch a broadcast channel. In my opinion having the TV separate from the streaming player is a better option.
What is the plan for using the Roku? Are you thinking of watching something like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video? Those are quite simple to use on a Roku. There's hundreds to thousands of apps/channels available for Roku players, and looking through the choices might seem daunting. Feel free to ask questions here and we users will do our best to offer suggestions and support.
Depends on what "tech savvy" means I guess. Both my mom and I are older than you. I wouldn't describe a Roku as "techy" at all. However, mom (who is 92) is having trouble with the idea of "navigation". To me, it's not even anything I think about, since DVD players, Blue Ray Players, DVRs etc. have been like this for decades, but mom really doesn't get the whole business of moving a selection around with arrow buttons and then pushing the button in the middle to select. Funny - she has no problem moving a mouse on a computer and clicking, but when it comes to the remote, she asks things like: But you said before I pressed this key twice!!! and she'll point to the right arrow key, and I'll say, well yes, that's because last time the highlight was to the left of what you wanted.
But it does seem to be slowly sinking in.
What mom really needs is a box that just streams NCIS all the time. No navigation. No choices. Turn on the TV and it's playing NCIS, and continues until you turn it off.
By the way, I wouldn't bother cutting cable until you've played with streaming for a while. Rokus are cheap and there's nothing mutually exclusive about streaming and cable.