Hi, trying to set up but cannot. I have tried the reset button for short and long pushes (even pulling out the power cord) and tried both tv USB and USB adaptor included. even new batteries with remote. even so far as remote to IR and still no response. I don't know what to try now. Thanks for any help
never mind, i have decided to just return it and get another.
@jeclark001 Which model name/number Roku did you get to replace your 3930 one?
~ Jordan
I'm doing an identical replacement through Amazon. if I have issues with the next one then I will go to a different one. I'm hooking up to a 720p tv so I didn't need anything fancier than the basic essential stick.
If you run into a similar issue with the replacement, try connecting it to a mobile hotspot (if available to you) using the 2.4ghz band and try using the included power adapter plugged into the wall rather than TV USB power port.
Feel free to post back if you run into further issues.
I did run it into the wall with the included adaptor. and unfortunately, I could only get to the wifi screen once. at which point it froze. then when I tried to power cycle the system, it refused to respond at all, just sitting on the language screen. but I will remember that for the next system. thank you.
Certainly could have been a defective device. Could also have been a defective remote so best to do as you are doing and just get a complete replacement and start fresh.
If you haven't boxed up for return yet, though, you can try doing a Factory Reset again(press and hold reset button for 30+ seconds). I read "long press", so not sure how long you pressed it. Then using the mobile hotspot usually helps to get by the setup since sometimes network settings may be getting in the way of succesfully activating the device.
Hopefully your new one goes smoothly if you have decided against troubleshooting this one in the meantime. 👍
the longest press I did was about 20 seconds and then pulled the power cord while still holding the reset button. but I can give it another shot. I will let you know the results if I do.