I have created a timer for a timeout if a user watched for a period of time. I set my logic to 10 seconds for ease of testing, but whether I put 10 seconds or 5 seconds, I noticed that the Message box won't show for 27 Seconds every time. If I set my logic to popup a message after lets say 2 hours, will it be 2 hours or 3x that? Here is a partial in my Function showVideoScreen from videoplayer. Any idea why it does not read my timer.Mark() and begin countdown at the proper time?
' Add Timer
timer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
While True
If timer.TotalSeconds() >= 10 Then
' The user has been idle watching the video for 10 Seconds, prompt the user to see if they're still watching
messageBox = CreateObject("roMessageDialog")
messageBox.SetTitle("Still Watching TV?")
' We won't get here unless the user responds, so close the dialog, reset the timer, and continue with the video
End If