"destruk" wrote:
If both the canvas and the springboard share the message port, then you can do that.
"TheEndless" wrote:"destruk" wrote:
If both the canvas and the springboard share the message port, then you can do that.
Actually, you can't. The top most screen always takes the input, so you wouldn't get any events for the springboard/poster screen underneath as long as the canvas is on top. Also, as you noted, with the image canvas on top, the springboard/poster underneath won't get repainted without a show/sleep/show type of hack, which makes for a pretty miserable user experience.
If you want a custom springboard/poster screen, then you'll need to custom draw the whole thing, as well as implement the appropriate functionality. A daunting task, to say the least.
Sub SetTheme()
app = CreateObject("roAppManager")
theme = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
theme.OverhangSliceSD = "pkg:/images/Overhang_BackgroundSlice_Blue_SD43.png"
theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetSD_X = "72"
theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetSD_Y = "25"
theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoSD = "pkg:/images/Logo_Overhang_Roku_SDK_SD43.png"
theme.OverhangSecondaryLogoOffsetSD_X = "472"
theme.OverhangSecondaryLogoOffsetSD_Y = "25"
theme.OverhangSecondaryLogoSD = "pkg:/images/Logo_Overhang_Roku_SDK_SD43.png"
theme.OverhangSliceHD = "pkg:/images/Overhang_BackgroundSlice_Blue_HD.png"
theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetHD_X = "123"
theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoOffsetHD_Y = "48"
theme.OverhangPrimaryLogoHD = "pkg:/images/Logo_Overhang_Roku_SDK_HD.png"
theme.OverhangSecondaryLogoOffsetHD_X = "523"
theme.OverhangSecondaryLogoOffsetHD_Y = "48"
theme.OverhangSecondaryLogoHD = "pkg:/images/Logo_Overhang_Roku_SDK_HD.png"
End Sub
"roquoonewbie" wrote:
I copied and pasted your exact code into the deviantart sample app (replacing the SetTheme() function that came with it).
The secondary logo does not show. I see one "Roku SDK" logo appear in the primary logo position. But nothing in the secondary logo position.
Are you certain you see two logos on your screen?