I’ve looked into this for some other clients before. Here is what I found:
Blip.TV: If you upload Roku compatible files there is an option to get the RSS feed for that uploaded format. Example:
http://underthetuscangun.blip.tv/rssThe downside: Streaming from Blip. TV servers is not the fastest to load.
It’s funny but if you look at the host URL for the videos on
www.watchmojo.com then you will find its videos hosted on blip.TV.
www.mevio.com: They create RSS feeds for all of the shows hosted on their site. They might put ads on the web version. I guess you would negotiate about web advertising. Their servers are fast. I’ve told a couple of clients to use them. They host Cranky Geeks and other shows.
vimeo.com: All of their content is .MP4 but there is a cost involved and a file size limit.
There are others I looked into but I guess this is a good start.
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