I implemented a motion-jpeg decoder and I tested the code on a computer and a Roku. Now I'm not expecting the Roku to be as fast as the computer, but exactly the same code gets 30+ fps on a computer and ~9-15 fps at most on the Roku when I have all my code in the event loop and ~5-8 fps when I move my code in functions and I have some "m." variables. Just changing the variables to "m.", when I have all my code in the main loop, drops the frame rate by about 5 fps. Why is that? I sure don't want to write a piece of code where everything is in the main() function... Is there a way around it?
Here is an example. In the following code, if the variable fps is local (no "m.") I get about 604500 loops per second. If I change the variable to m.fps I get about 266300 loops per second.
Library "v30/bslDefender.brs"
sub Main()
screen = CreateObject("roScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
codes = bslUniversalControlEventCodes()
timer = CreateObject("roTimespan")
m.fps = 0
msg = port.GetMessage() ' get a message, if available
if type(msg) = "roUniversalControlEvent" then
print "count: "; m.fps; ", total fps: "; (m.fps/(timer.TotalMilliseconds()/1000))
end if
m.fps ++
end while
end sub
Even not modifying a "m." variable, just accessing the value stored in it slows down the loop, replacing fps++ with fps = fps + m.one (where m.one is declared as m.one = 1) will drop the loops per second from 60000 to 45000.