My request is simple, it fits the 60-char limit of the subject line. But in more words: please
extend the implementation of hash-dictionary literals, so that
string literals can be used as key names, besides
identifiers. ... and it wouldn't even require documentation change, since
it is mum on what is allowed as key in AA literal. 8-)
If we get BNF-y and say interpreter allows for
HashLiteral = '{' KeyValPair (PairSeparator KeyValPair)* PairSeparator? '}'
PairSeparator = (',' | '\n') '\n'*
KeyValPair = IDENT ':' Expression
(* then change previous to *)
KeyValPair = (IDENT | STRLIT) ':' Expression
That was awfully formal. I think better will be to show requested feature in illustrative example, so here:
myForm = {
"": "form"
action: "/search/ccc"
method: "get"
"accept-charset": "utf-8"
id: "searchform"
".nodes": [
{ "": "input",
id: "query",
name: "query",
"data-suggest": "search",
autocorrect: "off",
placeholder: "search"