The first thing to try, if you haven't already, is to reboot everything. Reboot your server and unplug your Roku for a few seconds. Does it happen for all videos, or just one particular file? Check the 'my_media_log.txt' file that's created in the directory with '' to see if there's any error or warning message (this file can get quite large and you may want to delete it periodically). Next, telnet to your Roku's ip address port 8085. There's all kinds of stuff spewed there; maybe something will show up that will explain what's happening.
Does it happen for all videos, or just one particular file?
What happens is, I'll try to play one file, it will display "retrieving" for about 30 seconds, then when I try to play it again or any other file, nothing will happen.
I tried all the above. I don't know how to read the my media log.text file or the telnet results, so I'll leave that up to you guys. Thanks.
my media log.text:
DEBUG:root:rejecting .DS_Store
DEBUG:root:rejecting .localized
DEBUG:root:server issued range query: bytes=1017661807-
DEBUG:root:player issued range request starting at 1017661807
DEBUG:root:server issued range query: bytes=1018628937-
DEBUG:root:player issued range request starting at 1018628937
DEBUG:root:server issued range query: bytes=1018749809-
DEBUG:root:player issued range request starting at 1018749809
DEBUG:root:server issued range query: bytes=1018873280-
DEBUG:root:player issued range request starting at 1018873280
DEBUG:root:server issued range query: bytes=1019818480-
DEBUG:root:player issued range request starting at 1019818480
oldScr = pscr.screen
395: if pl.theme <> currentTheme then
396: currentTheme = pl.theme
397: initTheme(app, currentTheme)
398: endif
399: pscr = makePosterScreen(port)
400: pscr.SetPlayList(pl)
401: pscr.screen.Show()
402: oldScr.Close()
403: currentBaseSong = 0
405: else if pl = invalid then
406: ShowServerProblemMsg(server)
407: else
408: ShowListProblemDialog()
409: endif
410: endif
411: endif
412: else if type(msg) = "roAudioPlayerEvent" then
413: if msg.isStatusMessage() then
414: print "audio status: ";msg.GetMessage()
415: endif
416: if msg.isRequestSucceeded() then
417: print "audio isRequestSucceeded"
419: 'queue the next song'
420: posters = pscr.GetPosters()
421: song = currentBaseSong + 1
422: maxsong = posters.Count() - 1
424: if song > maxsong
425: song = 0
426: endif
428: print "song: ";Stri(song)
429: print "max song: ";Stri(maxsong)
431: audio.Stop()
432: audio.ClearContent()
433: item = posters[song].item
435: 'stop if the next item is a video'
436: if not item.GetType() = "mp4" then
437: audio.AddContent(item.GetPlayable())
438: audio.Play()
439: endif
441: pscr.screen.SetFocusedListItem(song)
442: currentBaseSong = song
443: endif
444: if msg.isPartialResult() then
445: print "audio partial result"
446: endif
447: if msg.isRequestFailed() then
448: print "audio request failed: ";msg.GetMessage()
449: print "error code: ";Stri(msg.GetIndex())
450: endif
451: if msg.isFullResult() then
452: print "isFullResult"
453: endif
454: print "end roAudioPlayerEvent"
455: endif
456: end while
458: 'showSpringboardScreen(item)'
460: 'exit the app gently so that the screen doesnt flash to black'
461: screenFacade.showMessage("")
462: sleep(25)
463: End Sub
/tmp/plugin/HRBqSr/pkg:/source/appMain.brs(376): runtime error ec: 'Dot' Operator attempted with invalid BrightScript Component or interface reference.
376: SaveOffset(item.GetTitle(),offset.toStr())
Function main() As Void
entry evsp: 0
Local Variables:
global &h07 rotINTERFACE:ifGlobal
m &h06 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=2
app &h16 bsc:roAppManager, refcnt=1
screenfacade &h16 bsc:roPosterScreen, refcnt=1
rss &h16 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=11
port &h16 bsc:roMessagePort, refcnt=5
server &h14 String val:
pl &h16 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=2
pscr &h16 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=1
audio &h16 bsc:roAudioPlayer, refcnt=1
currentbasesong &h12 Integer val:0
currenttheme &h16 bsc:roString, refcnt=2
layers &h16 bsc:roList, refcnt=1
dontkillposterscreen &h15 Boolean val:false
msg &h16 bsc:roPosterScreenEvent, refcnt=1
last_selected &h30 Untyped val:Uninitialized
rec &h30 Untyped val:Uninitialized
song &h12 Integer val:7
posters &h16 bsc:roList, refcnt=3
item &h16 bsc:roAssociativeArray, refcnt=3
offset &h1a Invalid val:invalid
oldscr &h16 bsc:roPosterScreen, refcnt=1
maxsong &h30 Untyped val:Uninitialized
BrightScript Debugger>