' This is an example of one way to manage a texture cache. It is a very stripped down version
' of one that I use. This version does not include the realtime populating of my grids that I have
' put out here. I do have that if anyone is interested. This version just includes the polling function
' that is used primarily for pseudo-async preloading. But it demonstrates what is essentially needed to
' do this as well as an indicator of how fast the manager can be. I have set up a test directory on my
' own content site. The image files are small but I have acceptable results with images as large
' as 10 - 18 kb. So for standard grid-sized poster images this should be very reasonable
' This was extracted from my channel and put together very quickly, and most of the error checking was removed.
' But I believe I have included enough code to demonstrate a particular method that I use. However some anomalies
' may exist, which if discovered I will be happy to fix
' My own experience with the manager is only about 4 months but I have learned a lot and have come to really appreciate
' the texture manager. It works very well with my grids which I have redesigned to be fully integrated with
' my managers. If anyone can contribute and make it better we can all benefit
' Add this function to test the code
Function TextureTest() As Void
' This directory is temporary and will be available for testing
l_url = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/NMLiving/texture_test/"
' I have created 25 simple textures texture1.jpg to texture25.jpg
l_textureList = CreateObject( "roArray", 25, False )
' Create the url, the textureobject and push onto the texture list
for l_i = 1 to 25
l_turl = l_url + "texture" + l_i.ToStr() + ".jpg"
l_textureList.Push( NewTextureObject( l_turl ) )
end for
' Create an instance of the texturemanager and reset (optional)
' However you should know when to reset
l_textureManager = NewTextureManager()
print "============================================================="
' For each texture in the list request it from the manager
for each l_texture in l_textureList
l_textureManager.RequestTexture( l_texture )
end for
print ""
print "============================================================"
' Ask the manager to poll for the textures
' Verify that we have a valid bitmap for each texture
for each l_texture in l_textureList
print type( l_texture.Bitmap )
end for
End Function
' Creates a texture cache object which contains the returned bitmap, the textureRequest
' a Url and a resend count
Function NewTextureObject( a_url As String ) As Object
return { Bitmap: Invalid, TRequest: Invalid, TUrl: a_url, ResendCount: 0 }
End Function
' Very stripped down version of my own manager. This version offers only polling
' you would not use polling to populate a grid during realtime scrolling on for preloading
Function NewTextureManager() As Object
tl = CreateObject( "roAssociativeArray" )
tl.TManager = CreateObject( "roTextureManager" )
tl.TMPort = CreateObject( "roMessagePort" )
tl.TManager.SetMessagePort( tl.TMPort )
tl.RequestList = CreateObject( "roAssociativeArray" )
tl.SendCount = 0
tl.ReceiveCount = 0
tl.AddItem = tl_add_item
tl.RemoveItem = tl_remove_item
tl.Reset = tl_reset
tl.RequestTexture = tl_request_texture
tl.ReceiveTexture = tl_receive_texture
tl.PollTextures = tl_poll_textures
return tl
End Function
' Adds an item to the list and increments the list count. The key is the textures id
Function tl_add_item( a_ID As Integer, a_value As DYNAMIC ) As Void
m.RequestList.AddReplace( a_ID.ToStr(), a_value )
m.ListCount = m.ListCount + 1
End Function
' Removes an item from the list, decrements the count
Function tl_remove_item( a_ID As Integer ) As Object
l_key = a_ID.ToStr()
l_value = m.RequestList.LookUp( l_key )
if l_value = Invalid then return Invalid
m.RequestList.Delete( l_key )
m.ListCount = m.ListCount - 1
return l_value
End Function
' Resets the list by emptying the manager and clearing
' out any items remaing, resets all values
Function tl_reset() As Void
m.ListCount = 0
m.SendCount = 0
m.ReceiveCount = 0
End Function
' Each texture object is sent to this function, which creates the texturerequest and sends it
' It also increments the sendcount
Function tl_request_texture( a_texture As Object ) As Integer
' Create the texture request and assign to the items TRequest member
a_texture.TRequest = CreateObject( "roTextureRequest", a_texture.TUrl )
' Add the item into the async list
m.AddItem( a_texture.TRequest.GetID(), a_texture )
' Asynchronously request the texture
m.TManager.RequestTexture( a_texture.TRequest )
' Increment the send count
m.SendCount = m.SendCount + 1
' Return the current total sent
print m.SendCount" "; a_texture.TUrl
return m.SendCount
End Function
' This function receives the texture and processes it, if successful it increments the receive count
Function tl_receive_texture( a_tmsg as DYNAMIC ) As Boolean
' Get the returned state
l_state = a_tmsg.GetState()
' If return state is Ready, Failed, or Cancelled - either case, remove it from the list
if l_state = m.STATE_READY or l_state >= m.STATE_FAILED
' Removed the received texture from the asynclist. But do not increment the received count
l_texture = m.RemoveItem( a_tmsg.GetID() )
' There SHOULD ALWAYS be one in there if used properly
if l_texture = Invalid then return False
' Assign the bitmap to the texture object
l_texture.Bitmap = a_tmsg.GetBitmap()
' A state of 3 with a valid bitmap is complete
if l_state = m.STATE_READY and l_texture.Bitmap <> Invalid
' Increment the receive count and get rid of the texture request
m.ReceiveCount = m.ReceiveCount + 1
l_texture.TRequest = Invalid
print m.ReceiveCount;" "; l_texture.TUrl
return True
' If a failure occurs you can try to resend it, but usually it is a more serious problem which
' can put you in an endless loop if you dont put a limit on it. I handle it differently but for this
' example it is resent a limited number of times
else if l_state = m.STATE_FAILED and l_texture.ResendCount <= 5
' Optional
l_texture.TRequest = Invalid
' Rebuild and resend
l_texture.ResendCount = l_texture.ResendCount + 1
l_texture.TRequest = CreateObject( "roTextureRequest", l_texture.TUrl )
m.AddItem( l_texture.TRequest.GetID(), l_texture )
m.TManager.RequestTexture( l_texture.TRequest )
' Set the global error
l_str = "Resend Texture Request. State : " + l_state.ToStr()
l_str = l_str + " Bitmap: " + type( a_tmsg.GetBitmap() ) + " ResendCount: " + l_texture.ResendCount.ToStr()
l_str = l_str + " URI: " + l_texture.TUrl
print l_str
return False
' This can occur with the dylnamic allocation when the textures are not removed from the queue fast enough
' or the resend count has expired, cancelled etc...
l_str = "Unhandled Message. State: " + l_state.ToStr() + " Bitmap: " + type( a_tmsg.GetBitmap() )
l_str = l_str + " URI: " + l_texture.TUrl
print l_str
return False
end if
end if
' Otherwise it is some other code such as downloading if it even exists. Never seen it
return True
End Function
' This function simply polls for all the textures to return. To populate a grid during realtime scrolling
' a little modification is needed to the grids I have put out here and this manager I have this available
' in my own library
Function tl_poll_textures() As Boolean
' Just a timeout here you may want to add something like I do to allow the user to abort under
' certain conditions. That was removed for simplicity
l_timer = CreateObject( "roTimeSpan" )
l_timeOut = 45
l_kp_BK = 0
l_success = False
while( True )
' Monitor the managers port
l_TMsg = m.TMPort.GetMessage()
if l_TMsg <> Invalid
' Process the received texture
m.ReceiveTexture( l_TMsg )
' When receivecount is = to send count then we have them all
' you have to be careful here any abnormality or failure in the chain can effect this
' I do it differently with more error checking but this is only a demonstration
l_success = ( m.ReceiveCount = m.SendCount )
if l_success then exit while
' Reset the timer
end if
' Should always have a timeout as anything can occur
if ( l_timer.TotalSeconds() >= l_timeout )
print "TextureRequest Timed Out"
exit while
end if
end while
return l_success
End Function