I want to create a custom grid with multiple columns. Each columns has its own request response.
If there is any error on no data for particular column, need to display an error view with button inside that column.
Please help how this can be achieved. Also how to handle such request response
column1 item1 | item2 | item3 | ....... | itemn
column2 “please try again” Retry button Report button
column3 item1 | item2 | item3 | ....... | itemn
column4 “no data”
Hi, there are more than one ways to do it, for sure. What component did you try working with so far? You can join the developers Slack (rokudevelopers.slack.com) for faster help usually.
Best regards,
@joetesta , could post an invite link? The older ones seem to have expired!
@Keepingshtum wrote:@joetesta , could post an invite link? The older ones seem to have expired!
Hi -
looks like the one here still works https://community.roku.com/t5/Roku-Developer-Program/Roku-Developers-Slack/m-p/515059
Roku Developers Slack invite
Thanks @joetesta