[RAF.err] roUrlTransfer.setURL("http://(some domain)/vast2?adtype=video&compMode=and&dim=101&z=1r&w=1920&h=1080&ip=ROKU_ADS_EXTERNAL_IP&ajuseragent=Roku/DVP-9.10 (049.10E04111A)") rejected argument - invalid chars? (space and "<>\^`{|} must be %-encoded)
http://(some domain)/vast2?adtype=video&compMode=and&dim=101&z=1r&w=1920&h=1080&ip=ROKU_ADS_EXTERNAL_IP&ajuseragent=Roku/DVP-9.10 (049.10E04111A)
"RokuNB" wrote:
regarding ROKU_ADS_EXTERNAL_IP - this is tricky but i think i know the answer! i believe you have LAT selected (limit ad tracking) in Settings > Privacy - that's one of intended results.
"RokuNB" wrote:
i figure that ad server is using the value that was correctly escaped (by RAF macro &ua=ROKU_ADS_USER_AGENT or you) but when they substituted it in XML, they did not escape it
We had a similar problem, had the adservers fix the response, as RAF started following this mid jun or something this year.
But i agree with you there should be an error thrown for these kinda errors from RAF, easier to capture during testing itself.