I have a channel that has been operational for a long time. I have been running banner ads on the channel. The banner add url is no longer working and I need to change the url.
Only because I had to change the bannerad url did I discover that running my earlier channel and current version channel package (which has the new bannerad url) on telnet are giving me the following:
BRIGHTSCRIPT : ERROR : Runtime : For Each Value is Invalid : pkg/soruce/categoryfeed.brs(174)
I checked my catergoryfeed.brs line 174 and it has the following:
for each e in xml.GetBody()
The channel is working perfectly...So any idea what this error is? And, I need to submit the package quickly because it is a subscription channel ie: new package with the updated bannerad url
Would Roku accept such an error so I can submit? Or, will this error not be something they will pass?
Any help would be appreciated because I have not been able to figure out what is causing the error, especially since there were no errors on the package that was originally submitted and working for a couple years.
Thank you.