Yesterday my voice remote stopped working. When I attempt, it responds; Something went wrong, try again. Just stuck in a "loop". I've turned it off and restarted it without success. Later I will try to unplug it from power and plug the power back in and see. But I'm open to any and all suggestions. Thx
I did unplug the "stick" from the power outlet, waited about 10 seconds and reconnected the "stick" to power. Checked voice search, seemed to correct. Of course you can't unplug the remote. Thx
You can’t unplug your remote. Do the physical buttons on the remote work? Just the voice search doesn’t? Which Roku model do you own?
I did unplug the "stick" from the power outlet, waited about 10 seconds and reconnected the "stick" to power. Checked voice search, seemed to correct. Of course you can't unplug the remote. Thx
You specifically said that you unplugged it referring to your remote. You did not say do you unplug your Roku stick. Is everything back to normal now?
Yes, all seems well. Groovy now.
@traveler22 Good to hear