I’m curious to as if something is connected to one of my Roku TV’s. On the WiFi it picks up as
Direct-Roku-gw9-318cde it’s password protected. Like what can that be?
Those are used for connecting Roku remotes (but not the "Simple Remote" which uses IR) and also some other stuff like Roku speakers.
Anyway you can dumb that down for me even more lol
"Direct-Roku" is a private network that is created/broadcast by your Roku device. This private network is used by various Roku peripherals (ie. Roku Voice Remotes and some internal features that need network connectivity) in order for them to communicate with the broadcasting Roku device.
Simply put, a Roku device creates its own network access point (AP) and then Roku peripherals connect to this access point in order to operate with the Roku device. Only Roku peripherals can connect to this private AP.