Thank you so much! Will have to wait a few days until I have time to do sounds like it's probably going to work.
@AvsGunnar wrote:
Getting a better picture now.
1. Try downloading the official Roku mobile app from either the Apple/Play Store. (will use this as your remote for now). Make sure you use the mobile app on the same wireless network that your Roku3 is on.
2. To eliminate a possibile wi-fi direct issue with your remote, restart your router.
3. Unplug the Roku device from wall power again. Plug it back in to wall power.
4. Use your LG remote and switch to the correct HDMI input that your Roku is plugged into. (ie HDMI 1, HDMI 2, etc)
5. Using the Roku mobile app, establish a connection to the Roku 3 and use the "remote" feature of the mobile app to navigate through settings.
Need to establish if maybe something is actually physically wrong with the Roku 3. Using the above steps should get the Roku 3 to be able to boot back up and give you control to navigate.