I was watching a movie last night. I fumbled the remote in my hand. it never fell. The sound stopped working. I went through all the things. Also, there is no sound with the TV remote. My TV is a Samsung. I have been trying to fix this for hours and hours. Someone please help me
Which remote was fumbled? When you point the Samsung remote at the TV and press volume buttons, does an on-screen indicator for volume appear? (Or perhaps some other indicator?) Do you get sounds from other sources than the Roku?
The Roku remote fumbled but never left my hands and the volume turned off. I can see both the Roku and Samsung TV remote numbers for volume and no sound
Try unplugging the HDMI cable on the Roku device and TV and plug back in and see if that resyncs the sound. I have a Samsung TV that occasionally has the same issue with sound for some reason or another and plugging in the HDMI again usually helps. Also, unplugging the TV for 60 seconds helps sometimes as well.
Thank you! I'll try that 🙂