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No remote. I can't connect to my wifi?

My son has come to the age where he needs a TV in his room. My sister had an old,I don't know if it's old, a Roku device for him. I have a Roku Ultra and it is already connected to my Wi-Fi. I tried to connect the XD in his room, but it does not have the remote control to it. She no longer has that Wi-Fi that she previously had with that device so she doesn't remember what it is. I cannot figure out how to hook up the Roku XD to my Wi-Fi any help out there?

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Re: No remote. I can't connect to my wifi?

At first I was going to say: Get a remote. But then I looked up the Roku XD and instead I'll say: Get a Roku.

The Roku XD came out in 2010 and the last version of Roku OS that was supported on it was 3.1 (Roku is now on version 14.) I occasionally see reports of people not even being able to activate devices that old, and even if you can get past that step, you would be limited to apps that would run on such an old device and OS.

Banned but back. Because why not?
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