I am new to Roku and my remote stopped working after a few days. I plugged it in and now it's working again. My question is: How do I know when it's done charging?
Here is the info from the Roku Support article that explains the Roku Voice Remote Pro (v1 and v2).
While it does indicate when low on battery on the remote itself, it does not do so to indicate when fully charged. However, you can go to Settings/Remotes & Devices/Remotes/Voice Remote Pro/About and look at the "Battery Level" while it is charging (or at any time) to see the current battery level percentage (%) remaining.
Here is the info from the Roku Support article that explains the Roku Voice Remote Pro (v1 and v2).
While it does indicate when low on battery on the remote itself, it does not do so to indicate when fully charged. However, you can go to Settings/Remotes & Devices/Remotes/Voice Remote Pro/About and look at the "Battery Level" while it is charging (or at any time) to see the current battery level percentage (%) remaining.
Going from memory here, but I believe there's a light on the remote that flashes while charging, and will stop when it's charged. Personally, I'd simply charge it for a few hours. Rechargeable batteries (depending on their composition) doesn't always like to be charged to 100%. You can check the actual battery level in the Roku settings menu. Go to Settings/Remotes/(your remote)/about and the battery charge is displayed.
EDIT: @AvsGunnar posted the same time I did. From the link he provided, it states the Status light flashes slowly while charging and remains on steady when fully charged.
Good catch on the solid light when charged. 👍.
I think I have a bum one (v2) in my den then because it never stops flashing when at 100%. I just check it in the menu settings and unplug it. I will have to look at the others when they get recharged since they don't get as much use.
Edited to add... My other V2 remotes did show a solid light when fully charged. The one in the den was still flashing so I popped open the remote and unplugged the battery for a minute. Popped it back in and now showing a solid light. I should have learned from the V1 that most likely it was a battery issue. 🙂
I will second the flashing green light on the back of the remote will be solid green when charged.
I have noticed though that the Roku will report 100 percent charged when you ask it, even though the remote is still flashing green and not fully charged and doesn't get fully charged for at least another 30 minutes or so. I am not sure if that is a bug (I reported it as such) or if this is some quirk with my Ultra.
thank you