We recently purchased two replacement voice/backlight remotes for our home. When we tried to pair one in a bedroom, it started to change the channels on the TV in the living room, which we do not want to add a new remote on. ....How can I set up these two new remotes to work independently on the desired Roku units?
As a sidebar, if it matters or helps with this issue: We currently have 3 ROKU Express units and 1 Roku stick in use in our home. We are only wanting to replace 2 of the remotes (both bedrooms with Express). The remotes for the living room and kitchen (stick), will not be changed.
Thank you for your help!
Roku Voice remotes are paired to a specific Roku device, and then they should only control that device. I have seen a new remote self-pair itself to a nearby Roku device when first turned on, so just go into the device you don't want it paired to and just remove it. Then pair it to the new device and you should be fine.
Make sure to unplug the power from Roku's you do not want paired to, just during pairing procedure. You can't stop a Roku from pairing to a particular Roku. Once the first is paired unplug it too and now pair the last one. Once that's done you can plug the power to all Roku devices.