How do I disable the active/passive listening device (microphone) in my Roku Remote control?
or is this entirely impossible do I just need to throw this whole thing away to have privacy in my home?
This should be illegal.
As far as I know, the mic is only active when you hold down the voice button. It would eat up the battery in hours if it was always active.
If you have a non-stick Roku, you can always use a basic IR remote. There are many 3rd party universal remotes that would work. Roku also sells a basic remote.
@andyross wrote:As far as I know, the mic is only active when you hold down the voice button.
Voice Remote PRO models have a switch on the left side to turn "hands free listening" on and off. When this setting is OFF, the remote acts like a non-Pro Voice Remote model and the microphone is only activated when the microphone button is held down. When the switch is ON the microphone is listening all the time, waiting for you to say "Hey Roku" to wake it up to receive the ensuing verbal command. I keep this switch off to minimize battery drain.