I have a Roku smart switch in which I have plugged in a light. I generally ask Google assistant to turn it ON or Off and it works fine. But if I had turned the light Off via assistant and want to turn it back on and don't have the phone with me, I have to press the button on the Roku smart switch(not easy to access as it's behind my bed). Is there any other way I can do that?
My Lifx Smart light turns on if I turned it off via Google Assistant by just turning the Power switch Off and On again. But in Roku smart switch, the main power switch does nothing when you switch Off and On.
I'm a little confused. You have a smart light plugged into a Roku smart plug?
No sorry I just added LIFX info for comparison.
I have a light plugged in Roku Smart switch in a socket that's behind my bed. That socket is controlled by a switch near the entrance of room. So I can turn the light off and on with regular switch when needed. And I can turn it off and On with Roku smart switch when needed. The problem is only when I have turned it off from Roku smart switch and don't have my phone to turn it On using assistant. Need to know if there is any override to switch the state of Roku smart switch without having to go behind the bed and pressing the button on the smart switch.
I don't have a smart plug connected right now, but I have other non-Roku plugs that let you set the default power-on or power-recovery state. Searching didn't provide an answer as to whether or not Roku plugs support it, but I have found a request for that feature for Wyze plugs (which Roku plugs are, essentially), so it may be that they don't support it. Trying to use a wall switch in conjunction with a smart plug can be problematic. Generally you want to leave the wall switch on all the time and just use app. I understand what you're trying to accomplish. My recommendation would be to add something like an Amazon Echo or Google Home device to the mix and then you can just use your voice to turn the lamp on or off.
When I get a chance I'll set up a smart plug to see what features it has. If you can set the power-recovery mode to "on" then you can use the wall switch to turn the light on and the app or switch to turn it off. There will still be a problem when you try to use the app to turn it on when the switch is off.