So my wife and I have a couple of Roku 3s. We love them, and my wife likes to go to sleep using the private listening feature on the remote after she turns the tv off. With all of the new models, this has been disabled as a "power/bandwidth saving feature". To us this is the removal of a feature. Does anyone have any idea on how to make a newer device do what we want? The 3s are going to die sooner or later and we don't have any other solutions. Help is appreciated.
Thanks RandD
Let me see if I understand - your wife sleeps with ear buds in her ears? I don't think I could do that. Don't you go through batteries like crazy?
Anyway, do you know that the newer Rokus stop the private listening audio when the TV is turned off (and I'm not speaking of actual RokuTVs; just sticks and consoles)? Just turning off the TV shouldn't stop the audio, but I'd have to try it myself. The bandwidth saver feature can be disabled.
Actually I often go to sleep with a stereo to mono earbud in my ear, connected to my cell phone, mainly to drown out my wife's $@d&! white sound machine.
Turn off Bandwidth saver: Settings / System / Bandwidth saver
We use rechargeable batteries. Tried turning off bandwidth saver, but will try again. Thanks.
@RobandDianna wrote:We use rechargeable batteries. Tried turning off bandwidth saver, but will try again. Thanks.
The so-called "Bandwidth saver" is a Roku feature that pops up after 4 hours of receiving no user input. It asks if you're still watching, and if it gets no response, stops streaming to keep from eating up bandwidth on unwatched content.
It's also possible that the channel you are watching/hearing may also have a similar function.
For the battery issue, you might look into using the remote listening capabilities of the Roku app on a mobile device instead of listening through the Roku 3 remote.