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PIN locking apps visible to everyone

Ok, why would any intelligent media player company have this problem?  If I want to lock an app, I can add a code to it.  But, to put in the code, I have to have a visible number pad on the screen and move the mouse and everyone can see what code I put in.   We have certain shows and channels that, if we're in the room, the kids can watch.  But, they cannot watch the channels if we're not in the room.  

Right now, I switched from Roku to FireTV.  FireTV asks for a code but then says something like the up arrow is 1, right arrow is 2, down arrow is 3, etc.  So, now I can put in the code without everyone seeing it.  But, still the shortfall is within the apps, if any codes are asked, they're as visible as the roku.  

Seems these developers don't have common sense.

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