I currently have a smalll roku device that keeps quitting on us. Want to get a better unit but they all have voice control. Just as we do NOT want Alexa or Google voice or any other voice activated units, we do NOT want it on our roku either. Is there a good unit you can recommend that doesn't have voice control or is there a way to turn it off completely. Tks.
Voice control is via the remote. The two Voice Remotes, while supporting voice controls, don't have to use them. Only the Voice Remote Pro has hands-free voice control (initiated by saying, "Hey Roku") which can be disabled with a switch on the side. With it disabled or with the non-Pro remote you have to press the microphone button to initiate voice commands (i.e., the remotes are not always listening). Any non-Stick Roku device (Sticks plug directly into the TV without the need for an HDMI cable) will support the simple remote that doesn't have any voice control. Only the least expensive Roku device comes with the simple remote these days. Sticks only support the voice remotes. My personal opinion is to avoid the least expensive model and get any of the others and just don't use the voice feature - switch off hands-free control on the Pro model and never press the microphone button on either model.
One more thing to add: even the least expensive Express model supports a voice remote, it just doesn't come with one.
Tks so much for your reply, it totally answered my question 🙂