I don't have an answer for this, but am curious as to what version of the Roku software you have.
Harmony does support IR, but you have to interrupt it's automatic attempt to use IP when creating the device. I had that problem and had to delete the device and recreate it, interrupt the app (by hitting the right arrow icon when it was looking at the network for IP control. I'm probably not describing that 100% correctly, but it's been awhile.
Awesome! Thank you. My Roku just got a software update today and this setting was the fix for slow response times.
Thanks for posting. Was having an issue with my Harmony remote and stumbled across your post and thankfully this resolved my issue. Had spent hours restarting equipment but this did the trick.
This fixed the problem with my Harmony Elite. Thank you.
Thank you for posting this solution! Both of my Harmony Hub based remotes all of a sudden became very slow controlling my Rokus when the update came through in the last day or so. I'm so glad I found this thread before spending hours tracking down the problem like others here have done.
Thank you so much. That fixed it; today my Roku Ultra actually became totally unusable while controlled by my Harmony remote, so I started looking for solutions on the internet. Your solution fixed the problem.
Thank you so much for sharing.
I have been wrestling with this for months... lag navigating Roku with my Harmony Companion remote. This fixed it immediately! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you this solved my problem!
Thanks a lot this worked for my Harmony issue as well. Question- are there any downsides to enabling this?
@EzmanI don't think so, as long as you have your roku on your local net. Any mobile app would have to be able to access your local network to send a signal to the roku. So maybe if there are multiple people with such apps in your household and the roku gets conflicting commands. I've had mine set to enabled for awhile and had no issues. Of course, your mileage may vary.
I'm just a user, so maybe Roku folks can clarify further - but I don't think it's an issue.