If this is a RokuTV, is it possible that you searched for the game using the Roku search, or attempted to stream the game with another service, and that the message you saw was actually "before" you switched to the HDMI Input of your connected laptop/computer.
I have a few installed channels that always send me emails (to my Roku account email) asking for feedback/comment/survey after I finish watching content on these particular channels. Personally, I don't mind, sometimes I answer them, sometimes I don't.
I mention the above because I do not think you saw the message while on the laptop HDMI input (although I understand you believe you did). I am thinking the message appeared before the HDMI Input was actually selected and prompted by some action you did before "assuming it would be easier to do so via my computer". There are a few different screens that could be responsible for the "further streaming options available" so difficult to say which one off hand, but would need to be within the Roku OS/platform, and not merely an available HDMI Input.
If you are able to reproduce the issue and post a screenshot if it occurs again, then I would certainly agree that something wonky was afoot. Not discounting your concern here, but this would be very unusual behavior.
Roku Community Streaming Expert
Just another Roku user... I am not a Roku employee.
Insignia RokuTV, Ultra 4660, Premiere+ 3921, Express 4k+ 3941, Streambar 9102