I found a roku flatscreen by my friends apartment complex's dumpster. Figured I'd take it home see if it works, if not i just put it at my dump. It works but the screen will flicker after a minute of being on. I've tried EVERY stupid 'easy fix' that ive found and nothing helped. Me and my partner took off the back and cleaned the ribbon cabling and cleared the dead cockroaches out of the back and it seemed to help a bit. I've figured its probably a hardware issue. Problem is, I have no idea how, where, or what the issue could be and where to find it. Any suggestions?
Maybe the backlight is dieing, that may be replaceable or fixable (capacitors are a likely candidate, look for misshapen or discoloured).
Also check main power supply, again capacitors are a common issue.
Or some other main board fault..poor soldering, cracked board, failed ribbon cable/poor seating of connectors.
Not any easy fix, needs some skills, tools, time. Someone who fixes laptop screens may be able to help.
Roku doesn't make the TVs, so you find more information about the hardware searching for the manufacturer - TCL, Sharp, onn, etc.
Many times it is that ribbon cable you cleaned. When starts to flicker, see if pressing or wiggling it will help to get picture to stop flickering. Sometimes just have to tape them down on either end. That is best case scenario.