It was working the day before yesterday but now when I try to access youtube the egg timer appears for a few seconds and then the screen goes blank and stays blank.
I've tried the various suggestions I can find on the internet but none of them work.
Is this a general problem for others or is it just my bad luck. Anyone have an idea what's going on?
The Roku 3500 is almost 10 years old. Do all other channels work fine. It’s possible Google is having temporary issues on there end. Try restarting your Roku and see what happens
Everything else is working fine on the roku except for youtube. It was working a day or so ago so this is a recent thing. I've restarted and reset the roku and checked for updates etc but none of that has worked.
Youtube works ok on other devices like laptops and tablets but perhaps it's something to do with youtube running on the roku itself.
As mentioned, the 3500 is over eight years old, and is quite underpowered for today's apps/channels. YouTube is owned and maintained by Google, and it's possible they are dropping support for older devices. I have a Roku 2 XS (3100) that has the same processor as yours and is now over 10 years old. But it stopped working with YouTube many years ago.
You would need to contact Google to find out if they have dropped support for your player. But just remember that they sell a competing product (Chromecast), so they might tell you you need to replace it just to get you to buy one of theirs.
Amazon Prime doesn't work either.
It's not clear if this has anything to do with You Tube or Amazon or if it is a deliberate bricking by Roku.
@dabo if your Roku model is also a 3500, then Amazon and Google/YouTube may no longer support your Roku model in the future either. As has been previously stated, the 3500 is 8 years old. Probably time for you to upgrade to a newer Roku.
~ Jordan
Roku has just announced that the 3500 (along with some other older models) are being moved to the legacy column. This means no more Roku support (no OS updates) and many channels will no longer support the players. Considering the 3500 was released in March 2014 (so it's now a seven year old device), I'm actually surprised it's been supported this long. Other players using the same architecture had already been moved to the legacy column. It's really not powerful enough to run the latest version of many channels, and that could be the issue with the Google channels no longer working correctly. But no, it's nothing deliberate by Roku themselves, as they don't control the functionality of channels provided by other services, and that's virtually all channels except The Roku Channel.